PhoneTrans Pro v.1.1.0 Key

PhoneTrans Pro v.1.1.0 Key free download crack including serial latest full version final PhoneTrans Pro is an alternative to Apple’s iTunes...

PhoneTrans Pro v.1.1.0 Key free download crack including serial latest full version final PhoneTrans Pro is an alternative to Apple’s iTunes software. Its an ultimate solution to transfer media files such as music, videos, etc from computer to an iOS device and vice versa. It can be used to sync content between your computer and your iPhone, iPad and iPod Touch. It can also be used to transfer files between 2 iOS devices. It also utilizes iOS 5 Wi Fi sync feature and allows you to transfer files over Wi Fi between iOS devices. If you were using iTunes in your old computer and want to move your iTunes library to your new computer, you can use this tool to move your iTunes library from old computer to new computer.

Features List:

Transfer iPhone, iPad, iPod touch music and files over Wi Fi

Share music and movie collection between iPhone, iPad, iPod touch

Move iTunes library from iPhone, iPad and iTouch

Brings more conveniences when adding iPhone music from iTunes

PhoneTrans Pro is an alternative to Apple’s iTunes software. Its an ultimate solution to transfer media files such as music, videos, etc from computer to an iOS device and vice versa. It can be used to sync content between your computer and your iPhone, iPad and iPod Touch.

It can also be used to transfer files between 2 iOS devices. It also utilizes iOS 5 Wi Fi sync feature and allows you to transfer files over Wi Fi between iOS devices.

If you were using iTunes in your old computer and want to move your iTunes library to your new computer, you can use this tool to move your iTunes library from old computer to new computer.

It supports all iOS devices such as:

iPhone Series: iPhone, iPhone 3G, iPhone 3GS, iPhone 4, iPhone 4S, etc.

iPad Series: iPad (wi fi, wi fi+3G), iPad 2 (wi fi, wi fi+3G), the new iPad (wi fi, wi fi+4G), etc.

iPod Series: iPod touch 1, iPod touch 2, iPod touch 3, iPod touch 4, etc.

Supported media file formats:

Movies: MP4, M4A, MOV etc.

Music: MP3, M4A, etc.

Music Video: MP4, M4V, etc.

PodCasts: MP3, M4A, M4V, etc.

Ringtone: MP3, M4A, M4R, etc.

TVShow: MP4, M4V, etc.

Audiobook: MP3, M4B, etc.

Voice Memos: MP3, M4A, etc.

iTunes: MP3, MP4, M4V, etc.

iBooks: PDF, EPUB, etc.

Homepage pro/




Step 1: unpack rar archive

Step 2: run the setup

Step 3: Use the given key to activate

Step 4: Enjoy

File Size : 4.93 MB




Download Free Software Application and Many More: PhoneTrans Pro v.1.1.0 Key
PhoneTrans Pro v.1.1.0 Key
Download Free Software Application and Many More
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